First, I have found a way to fix the connection problem I reported earlier. It may not solve the problem for everyone but it has been proved to work in some cases. Since it involves configuring your network access, I strongly recommend that you read our user guide. Thanks again to Luciano for his help on this issue!
Second, I am sorry to say that the previous version had a rather serious bug that would prevent any network connection after a while. This has been fixed as well. If you keep the old version, a simple reset on your BlackBerry should fix this problem.
On the feature side, I'll write only about the 2 major new ones. The systems activation status -- when you activate and/or deactivate transportation systems -- is now saved in your preferences and will be kept between uses. And a new option lets you choose to display the route with the least changes first in the calculation results, the shortest route coming in second in that case.
Last, there is still an issue I have not been able to solve. When you upgrade your version of MetrO on you BlackBerry, the system will prompt for a reset. Be sure to accept it and, even if you don't get the prompt, do a reset anyway after the installation. If you still get error messages after the upgrade, I'm sorry but I'm afraid you will have to remove the existing version on your device and start with a fresh install.
Accept my apologies for this (and anyone who has a clue about this behavior -- apparently related to the use of the BlackBerry persistent store -- is welcome to contact me)!
Complete information (updated with the new features and fixes) and a download link are available here.
Please note that this is beta software. If you don't want to take any risk with your data, please don't install it on your BlackBerry yet. If you do want to participate in the beta phase, please report any issue you may encounter, providing as much detail as possible (and accept our apologies). Thanks in advance!
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